Unlimitted Online classes
Service Description
Combination of Kriya Yoga, Strong Hatha Yoga Flow for beginners and Relaxation in Shavasana
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Policy for Attending Group Yoga Sessions 1. Registration and Attendance: Cancellations: Students must cancel their booking at least 24 hours before the session. Subscribers cancel their subscription one month in advance. Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive at least 5 minutes before the class starts to settle in and prepare. Late arrivals may disrupt the class. Automatic Freeze During School Holidays: All in-person class subscriptions will automatically be frozen during school holidays, totaling 12 weeks throughout the year. Subscribers do not need to take any action for this pause, and their subscription will resume after the holiday period. To freeze the subscription for illness or travel, subscribers must inform the studio for planned absences. The total additional freeze time (beyond school holidays) cannot exceed 4 weeks in a calendar year. 3. Health and Safety: Medical Conditions: Students should inform the instructor before class about any injuries, medical conditions, or physical limitations that may affect their practice. Instructors will provide modifications when necessary. In case of regular subscribers students must sign Health Disclaimer form Assumption of Risk: By attending group classes, students acknowledge that yoga involves physical exertion and agree to practise at their own risk. Students are encouraged to listen to their own bodies and take breaks if needed. It's the student’s responsibility to avoid pushing beyond their comfort or physical limits. All participants must sign a liability waiver, understanding that the instructor or studio cannot be held responsible for injuries or health issues arising during the session: https://forms.gle/Qa5mEfpcaHt6EmfS8 Students are encouraged to stay hydrated but should avoid eating heavy meals within 3 hours of the session to prevent discomfort. Students should stay home and can use the online class option if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness Minimal Scent Policy: To accommodate all students, especially those with sensitivities or allergies, refrain from wearing strong perfumes or fragrances, and maintain appropriate personal hygiene and weare clean comfortable clothes. This ensures a comfortable and respectful environment for everyone. ON-Line students must ensure clean and safe space, a stable internet connection, appropriate lighting, and clear camera visibility. Assumption of Risk: By attending group classes, students acknowledge that yoga involves physical exertion and
Contact Details
Twickenham, UK